Experience matters and at Horizon, we have experiences with our clients and their families that help shape and guide our practice.  We are proud to share our thoughts and experiences in the hope that they provide a brighter path towards your horizon.



One of the greatest privileges that I have as an educator is being present in a home with a parent when a child makes their first intentional communication, typically a request for something they want and I have.  Whether it is a first word, first sign or first picture handed to mom or dad, the experience never gets old.  I have literally laughed and cried, danced, high-fived and hugged in clients living rooms and kitchens.  The lesson that I have learned is that every child can communicate with us.  They can tell us what they want and what they don't want.  They may not ever talk but they can and will communicate if we commit ourselves to it and we follow some simple but specific functional communication strategies.  There is no more gratifying feeling than giving a child the gift of expression.  That gift is theirs and mine.  Those are the days when I feel so blessed to be a teacher!  -David Dilley

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